Stephen specialises in 'joiner' photography, which incorporates montage and collage techniques. These works can be constructed to any desired size. They are rich in detail and visually engaging; serving as historical documents; time capsules, showing people and places at particular points in history and also able to incorporate any aspect dictated by the brief. He can create work in community settings using collaborations, whereby the research, consultation and construction processes can engage and employ people in many different ways. Bridging class, gender and age divisions, these projects can empower people, helping them to achieve, create and participate in something worthwhile. He can also be commissioned on an individual basis, to create works that may encompass any aspect of a client’s own personal or business life, including family, work, rest and play moments. These moments are then knitted together to create a cohesive mosaic, to any given size. Of late he has been working on abstracts, inspired by the natural beauty of the British landscape and nature in general. The first completed piece in the gallery entitled “Gates of hell (excerpt)”. There are more to follow!