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Richard Denyer
Registered: 06/05/2011   Last Update: 08/05/2011
I have recently returned to my photographic practice after several years working as a tutor and administrator at Norwich University College of the Arts, including leadership of the MA in Photographic Studies.

The Waterside project will document and critically examine wetland landscapes in East Anglia and the Netherlands. My photographs will challenge traditional views of both areas as well as illustrating the conflict between the demands of economic development and the preservation of fragile natural environments.

The relationship between water and land, the wild and the man-made, is particularly evident in the wetlands of the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads. Sensitivity to the delicate nature of wetland terrain is reflected in some vernacular architecture and ignored by other idiosyncratic structures that illustrate real or imagined relationships with water, land and sky.

My intention is to explore, through photography, those marginal spaces that connect the structures of domestic and commercial property with the special qualities of wetlands.

I also have an interest in marginal cultures including wrestling!

I can be contacted at richard@richarddenyer.co.uk, or telephone 01603 872254.